Monday, September 21, 2009

The End of an Era

Hey, y'all:

It is a sad day here at our house. Our fav'rit show, "King of the Hill" has been cancelled after thirteen hot dang seasons.

As you can see, me an' Molly ain't up fer much bloggin' tonight. I'll leave with this pitcher that says it all.........

Yep. Mmhmm.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Nothing lasts furever...

Not even the bottle of your favourite PBR!


Mia said...

I'm so sorry Hank!!! Tell your momma to buy you the dvd, so you can relive the glory days. It's not the same as gettin a new episode every week, but maybe it'll help ease the pain.


Oakley and Swisher said...

We are sorry about your show, that is a bummer. It had a nice long run though, time to get the DVD sets!

Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish

Salinger The Pug said...

Sorry about your show buddy. Don't worry though...your mom and all her crazy ass pug friends will be happy to reenact the opening credits scene for you any time!

Murphy Dogg said...

That sucks! RIP KOTH! Maybe you can find a new funny show. May I suggest The Office? It cracks me up every time.
Murphy Dogg

Archie and Melissa said...

oh hank!

i am so sorry! they always cancel the best shows!

what's the deal with that? we need to set you up with a dvd player and seasons 1-13!

m & e

Anonymous said...

Hey Hank, we just watched the finale this past week. I like the way it ended, but I'm so sad it's over....although, Mike Judge said in an interview with Terry Gross that he wanted it to end before it went on for too long and got bad. I definitely understand that, but still....sad. At least we've got 4 syndicated episodes a day here where I live!

Kelly said...

Hank, this is highly upsetting, buddy.
Drink a cold PBR and pour one out for your homies on the show.

Stubby said...

Hi Hank! Bummer about your show. I've never seen it but I bet it was good. Maybe you can find another show to watch in the same time slot.

Stubby xoxo

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

What! We were just watching (well Mom was watching) episodes on the net at works last week. We are sads too.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh Hanky
I am so sad about that cause I know how much you enjoyed it! Now what!!
Well ,. on a positive note- I can get into your blog tonight- that goodness. Sometimes when I come your door is locked. Now what the heck? Well, I am here now- so that is all that matters. Yup you gotta go get some DVD'S

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

My condolences. That sounds a lot like how I felt when Gidget died.

dw said...

Aw, Hank, I'm sorry about your show being cancelled. I watched it for a while when it was on before The X-Files. You guys really looked bummed. *hugs*