Well, Molly O'Mally FINALLY went tuh the dentist last Friday. An' not a minute too soon I tell ya what! That ol' gal's breath could kill a MOOSE!
Now I'm warnin' ya: whut yer about tuh see ain't fer the faint o' heart. Take a deap breath an' look at this sucker:

Mom says that dark spot ya see on the crown is a cavity, an' that black gunk on the root is "calculus". Now I thought calculus wuz MATH but mom said THIS kind o' calculus is whut builds up yer teeth. Then she said the layman term fer it is "tartar". Whut the heck? I thought tartar wuz some kind o' sauce ya put on a fish sammich. (I just don't git this dental stuff.)
Anyhoo.....O'Mally did just fine. Here she is with her vet, Dr. Mills. This ol' boy has done wonders fer Molly......got her peepee pipe workin', pulled that rotten tooth. Now if he could just git her tuh SHUT UP!

This here is O'Mally's favorite vet tech, Ronda. Fer some reason, she thinks O'Mally is the bee's knees. Mom calls 'em "Mo an' Ro".

Well, MY turn is comin' up next so I been practicin' liftin' my head an openin' wide.

Think they'll gimme a beef lollipop if I do good?
Yep. Mmhmm.