I'm back with the second part o' my trip!
After a good night's sleep in the fancy hotel, me an' mom hit the road an' headed south tuh Oklahomer!
I napped fer whut seemed like two minutes an' when I opened my eyes we was at Kelly an' Pearl's house!
Well, hey there, Pearl, honey!

Now she's a nice enough gal but Miss Kelly says she's "socially awkward". I don't know whut that means, but all I know is she kept whimperin' an' whinin' an' followin' me around an' stickin' her nose in my whatnot!!!
Here's Miss Kelly tryin' tuh calm the ol' gal down. Me, I dint care. I was just hopin' Pearl's dad would share his popcorn with me. (Which he DID! WINGO!)

Now don't git me wrong......I love Miss Kelly an' Pearl but this hen house was gittin' tuh me after a while - all that squawkin' an' laughin' an' carryin' on. I reminded mom we had somebuddy else tuh visit, so we hit the road an' headed north tuh Tulsa......

Boy, was I glad tuh git back in some guy company (no offense, Kelly an' Pearl). We met Arlo an' Penni an' Penni's grammaw at the Joe Station Bark Park.
('Scuse me folks; it's been a long drive!)

That Miss Penni is somethin'! Look at this nice welcome package.....cookies fer mom, an' fer ME......dog cookies an' a PBR!!!!! WINGO!!!!!

Here's me tellin' Arlo 'bout my day with Pearl an' the gals........

Me an' Arlo took a break from jawjackin' tuh git a pitcher with our moms.

Thanks fer the warm welcome, Arlo an' Miss Penny! Perty soon, the sun started tuh set, so we hit the road tuh git back to our fancy hotel in Missouri.
The next mornin' we was headed back up tuh Indy when mom spotted signs fer "Meremec Caverns" in Sullivan, Missouri. (Word has it that Jesse James hid out in them caverns!)
I'll lead the way, mom, just in case that Jesse James fella shows up.

GAWD, that river water felt good on my hooves!

Aw, hail.....why din't I bring my fishin' pole??

Looky here.....they even had ziplinin'!

We coulda spent the whole day on that riverbank, but I had tuh git back tuh the car. I had a ice-cold PBR with my name on it! (Thanks again, Penni, honey!)

Now no trip tuh Missouri is complete without a stop at the Purina Farms in Gray Summit, MO!

Look at that spread o' land! And that ain't even HALF of it!

Open up, people......I know there's FOOD in there!

See?! Whud I tell ya???

So after we made tracks on the farm an' watched a dog agility show (whutever THAT is), mom put the pedal tuh the metal an' dint stop (well, 'cept tuh take a wizz) 'til we got back tuh Indy.....an' it was pert near MIDNIGHT.
Now I wanna finish up here by sayin' whut a HOT DANG time we had seein' our friends an' explorin'. It was the best trip o' my life I tell ya what. I'm gonna leave you with a pitcher o' me an' the one I love.....the BEST travelin' partner a guy could ass fer.

Kinda brings a tear to yer eye, don't it?
Yep. Mmhmm.