Can you buhlieve August is already halfway over???? Whut have y'all been up to? Well, I've had a few adventures this summer an' I wanna share 'em with ya.
First off, I got the chance tuh meet a real live PIG! Yep, I said pig, not pug. An' yer not gonna buhlieve this but the ol' boy's name was HANK!
Now my mom an' Aunt Laura thought that me an' Hank the pig was a lot alike. I want you tuh check out these pitchers an' see whut YOU think.

Nope, I just don't see the resemblunce. an' mom duhcided tuh make a trip out tuh St. Louie an' Oklahomer tuh meet some o' our blog friends! Check it out!
Look whut we come acrosst in Illinois!

I was all set tuh whip out the checkbook but mom said her tree-huggin' hippy car couldn't tow it back tuh Indiana. Shoot.
At least she'd stocked up on snacks fer me. Yep, these are pork rhinds an' I tore up the bag an' ate 'em all bufore the ol' gal could stop me! WINGO!!!

Buhfore I knew it, we was in St. Louis, Missouri.

An' just WHO's doorstep did we land on? Gina, Vito an' Colonel Vinny!
Well, hey there, Gina, honey!!!

Now Vito an' Colonel Vinny are perty nice kids BUTT......they duhcided tuh test my wrasstlin' abiluhty an' they tag-teamed me!

Thank gawd I still have my combat skills (that I learned in 'Nam), so I hopped up on the highest perch I could find, an' gave 'em whut fer!
"Listen here, kid.....I may be old but I'm wirey I tell ya what!!!"

Hail, I even put Vito in the brig!

(I think I mighta had a flashback fer a second 'cause I felt the need tuh take cover under a tree!)

"Aw, hail, harm done. Now let's go back inside an' relax an' I'll tell ya 'bout my tour o' duty in Da Nang."

Yep, Colonel Vinny......I killed fitty men in 'Nam.

Next thing we knew the doorbell rang an' this cute little gal an' her mom an' gramma joined the party. This here is Payton!

We like this little gal. She kinda reminds me an' mom of a younger O'Mally! An' her mom an' gramma are real nice, too. They brought treats fer us fellas!
Vito an' Colonel Vinny were up all in Payton's craw, each one wantin' tuh be her boyfriend. I'm perty sure I heard her whisper to her mom "Mommy, please make these boys leave me alone!!!"

So all in all, it was a real good visit an' we finished up with a group pitcher.

So that was day one o' the trip. I'm all wore out from all this bloggin'! I'll start up again with the rest o' the trip in my next post, so be lookin' fer it!
Butt buhfore I go, check out this fancy worsh cloth foldin' they did at the hotel! An' they even pervide ya with soap!!! Yep, me an' mom only stay at the fanciest places I tell ya what.

Yep. Mmhmm.
What a great adventure, Hank! Did ya happen to notice the little triangle they fold at the edge of the toilet paper? Yep real fancy place! Can't wait to see the next part of your trip!
Wow Hank, good times! I am trying to convince Mom to take me on a Fall tour. I'll definitely be comin' your way if we do!
Say, did they have one of those paper "sanitized" signs on the terlit in your room?
Hank, you really know how to travel in style, I tell ya what! I have never had a pork rind but I bet they were killer. I am going to have Momma buy me some for my next road trip.
Now, I know you were in Nam and all but you have to go easy on peeps when you are out visiting. If you don't, than you won't be invited back.
I don't know Vito and Vinny but they look really cool. I bet you gave their pretty momma a big smooch, didn't you? All the ladies love a little Hanklin!
I just knew our friend Payton would be so cool. She is quite the little lady, eh? Of course all those boys were up in her craw but she's used to it. Did I tell you I am going to meet that gal next month?
Hey Hank! It was so great meeting you! Too bad that we don't live closer, cause mom and I would take you up on your offers (boyfriend and business partner)...*blush*...heehee! Mom and I looked at some of O'Mally's videos and we can see what you mean! I am flattered you think so, cause I think she's sweet when she licked/kissed you right on the mouth, Hank! I'm working on mom and dad about a visit though so I'll keep you posted if my begging is working. Can't wait to hear about the next part of your trip!
PS. I'm not sure what everyone is thinking...I don't see any resemblance with that pig!
Oh Hanklin, what a fun trip! It's so fun to meet bloggy friends!
I can't wait to find out where you went next on your trip!!! :)
oh my gosh hank!
what a wonderful road trip you family took you on!
it is soooo fun to see you with all of our bloggin' buds!
your mom is so cool! she even got you the best snacks and you did not even have to share them with hank the pig.
my momma cracked up when she saw you two together. i personally do not see the resemblance, but from the smile on her face, i think my mom might see some similarities.
archie barchie
Looks like you had a good time once Vito & Vinny chilled out a bit :) That Payton sure is a cute little gal!
We have a guess as to where you headed next and can't wait to see if we are right and to hear all about it!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Hank you have been a busy guy this summer! We haven't even traveled anywhere and are even lacking in the meet up department. Hope you have a relaxing rest if the summer.
The Girls
There is no way thay you resemble that pig!
Not one bit!!
Your just a travelin man- you get around dude!
Your so lucky to meet all these friends for the first time! I wish you could come see me too!
Thanks for sharing these good times!
HankerMan, this here is your good pal Howie. I was real intrested in hearing about yer trip. My maw was in St. Louis last week, too, and she was hankerin (sorry, couldn't resist) for some pug friends to visit whilst she was there. Her hotel didn't fold purty towels, though. Waiting to hear chapter 2 of your big adventure,
Aw Hank, I am so sorry that Vinny caused you to have those flashbacks that sent you under the tree. Sometimes he gets carried away and misunderstands my orders. ;) We're so glad you came and visited us. I've been stealing a dollar or so out of Mom's purse every day to add to the Visit Indy gas-fund. Shhhh. Don't tell her.
Can't wait to read about the next leg of your trip ol' buddy!
Vito (and Vinny too)
What great fun-and we LOVE the pig. Mom loves potbellied pigs, if we didnt live in the city we would have one. She has taken a day trip to Ross Mill Farm in Bucks County PA where they have a whole pot bellied pig refuge.
Aw HAAAAAIL buddy, I though for SURE that my secretary had commented on this as I instructed her to do, but NOPE! Clearly I'm gonna have to light a fire under a certain ass!
DUDE....I am BEYOND jealous over your trip to ArchTown and beyond!!!! I am DYYYYING to meet Vito, Vinny and Payton in Pugson!!!!!! Maybe this fall we can do it again! Mom even said she'll be in charge of snackables for the car!
OMG....dude.....did you know that you can now have some HANK for breakfast? The ol boy went to market shortly after we visited him! After all those marshmallows he ate, I'll bet he made some mighty tasty bacon!!!!
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