Hey, y'all:
My mom's got it in 'er head that we need tuh do the Mutt Strut this year. (All the two-leggeds grab their four-leggeds an' head out to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway an' walk the two-mile track.) Costs 25 clams a person an' all the money goes tuh the Indianapolis Humane society.
Yeah, sure, it's fer a good cause an' all but she bought a gosh dang BABY BUGGY fer us!!!

I think I'd rather walk the two miles than be seen in THIS!!!
Now how the HAIL do I git outta this thing?

AWWWW, fer cripe's sake, O'Mally! There ain't room enough fer my big mouth an' yer big TONGUE!!!

Yeah, O'Mal, keep yer butt right there. Looks like a well-ventilated spot.

Okay, we're smilin'. Now hurry up an' take the pitcher sos I can go back in the house!

Yeah, mom, we git it! Yer proud o' yer stroller! Now hurry it up buhfore Joe Jack an' Dale an' Jimbo see me!!!

Thank Gawd, she's closin' the lid! Now let's get a move on.

Hmmmm......this ain't too bad. I can kick back fer a bit an' nobuddy can see me through the mesh!

Huh, well wuddaya know? (No, not O'Mally's mug.) Cupholders!!!

Are YOU thinkin' whut I'M thinkin'??????

Yep. Mmmhmm.