Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Unsinkable Molly O'Mally

Hi, friends:

Sarah here. This Saturday, March 13, is Molly O'Mally's one year anniversary here at Brandt Drive Home for the Visually Impaired! I should have known life with her would"interesting" as it was FRIDAY the 13th when we met!

Seriously, she is a great little dog - friendly, affectionate and a real trooper. Other than her sassy, LOUD, old-lady-who's-smoked-three-packs-a-day-for-fifty-years-bark....she has been absolutely delightful to have around. She never leaves my side (can't remember the last time I went to the bathroom by myself) and her #1 favorite spot is on my lap.

Yes, she's had her health issues this year, and I'd be lying if I said I'd rather pay vet bills than go on vacation or treat myself to that motorcycle I keeping saying I'm going to get before I'm fifty. However, some things are just more important.

I suppose Hank (who never minces words) sums it up best: "Yeah, sure.....she's old an' she's ugly an' she smells like pee an' she's got a big mouth, but gosh dang it.....I kinda LIKE her!".

Molly deserves a lot of credit. She reminds me time and time again that seniors (both canine AND human) have a lot to offer. They've "been there, done that" and love you with life experience that a young dog just can't match.

Here's to you, Mol Bol. If I ever get that motorcycle, there's a sidecar with your name on it!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Gotcha Day to Hank's favourite drinking buddy!

I vote another round of PBR fur all!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Stubby said...

Hi Sarah! Hank wouldn't know what to do without Molly. He loves her like only a PBR drinking brother can.

Mom feels your pain about the vacations and stuff. She always wants to go on vacation but she doesn't because of me. I need her with me 24/7 and I don't like it when she's away.

Take it from this senior dude, seniors rule!

Stubby xoxo

dw said...

Aww, what a sweet post! And even though Hank sometimes complains, I think he summed it up just perfectly! Happy Gotcha Day, Molly!

Unknown said...

You wonderful human you! Yes, some "things" (we) are more important. As for adopting a geriatric case, more woofs to ya. Those are the ones who can't find a home. We try to adopt the older and sicker animals first.

Archie and Melissa said...

sarah, gosh darnit, you made me cry happy tears.
molly and hank are so lucky to have you!
happy happy gotcha day miss molly!
m 7 e

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Gotcha Day O'Mally

We are so happy that they gotcha
or we would be able to know ya

Looks to me like everyone is smilin
so that makes everyone happy!

Smushie Ranch said...

Awww Sarah, Ya brought a tear to my eye lady. You have a huge heart and no one knows it better than Molly and Hank.

I also feel your pain about vacations and such. We don't even go out to dinner without having a pet sitter watch Ms. Betty. *sigh* I wouldn't have it any other way.

Love ya,

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Awww...What a sweet post about a sweet little pug lady. Happy Gotcha Day Molly!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

Kelly said...

Well, that made me cry a little.

I have always had a heart for seniors- of all species- and miss O'Mally is no exception.

She hit the JACKPOT when she landed into your sweet household! The perfect place for her to enjoy her golden years!

Happy 1 year @ home, Molly Girl! We all love ya!!!!

Harry Pugalicious said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Molly!!!!!! I's glad you has such a good home.

Salinger The Pug said...

Awww...happy Gotcha Day O'Mally!

You're my second favorite loud old lady....right after that mom of yours!!!! (hahahahaha)

Sal Bubby

Apollo said...

Happy Gotcha Day Molly! You couldn't have landed in a better home!

(Btw-Mommy is trying to convince Daddy to trade his motorcycle in for a nice cushy one with a side car for me too. She's even already bought me some doggles!

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

We LOVE Molly!!! And we agree seniors are really great dogs.

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

If you like old people so much, why aren't you nicer to me?

BRUTUS said...

Congrats on the Gotchaversary, Molly! And congrats on being adopted into what is obviously the best homever!

Brutus the Frenchie
pee ess - I don't let mom go to the bathroom alone either BOL!!

Too Cute Pugs said...

Aw, what a sweet post. You got our Mommy all wet in her eyes.

Happy Gotcha Day Molly!
Pearl & Daisy

Anonymous said...

Aw, too sweet. Love the picture of her smiling over the hubbie's shoulder. I have a picture of Clementine like that looking at me over Jeremy's shoulder and it makes me tear up every time. We can only hope to be the people our dogs think we are.

Paula said...

Happy Gotcha Day Miss Molly! Hank says you smells, I think he likes them the stinkier the better. What a darling post!