Hi, friends:
Those of you who are my Facebook friends have already heard this story, but I am dedicating this post to a sweet pug girl, Rosie, who will always have a piece of my heart.
Rosie's family of eight years surrendered her to KPR this past weekend. The couple is getting divorced and, apparently, neither one felt the loyalty toward Rosie that I'm sure she felt toward them. They live in a part of the state that, it just so happens, Scott had to drive through on Sunday for his work as a truck driver. So, being the pug nut that I am, I hitched a ride in the big rig and made arrangements with the surrendering couple to pick up Rosie.
Rosie did a lot of panting and pacing in the truck but I chalked it up to being in a new situation and the drive itself. We got home that afternoon and Hank and Molly were quite taken with her! Rosie, however, continued to pant and seemed "lost". Not surprising, considering the situation, but she calmed down later in the evening.
Scott was home on Monday and "puggysat" while I was at work. It was a nice day so he went out with them several times throughout the day. While Hank and Molly followed him around or snoozed in the shade, Rosie spent most of the day sitting by the fence. I can't help but wonder if she was looking for her family.
As soon as I got home from work that evening Rosie and I headed south to her new foster home. The minute I pulled out of the driveway the pacing and panting started again. By the time I got to her foster home (a one and a half hour drive), she'd obviously "had it" with traveling and laid on the ground looking rather "pouty". I offered her water and her squeaky toy but she wasn't having it! So the foster mom and I sat with her for awhile and decided we'd let her call the shots. It got dark soon after so I made my way back home.
Yesterday afternoon as I was leaving work I received a phone call so shocking that it took my breath away. Rosie had died early that morning.
According to the foster, she took Rosie home and bathed her and sat with her for a few hours. Around 3:00 in the morning she finally settled down, so the foster let Rosie sleep and went to bed. When she got up later that morning, she went to check on Rosie and she was gone.
In my time with the pug rescue (three years) I have transported MANY dogs but never experienced anything like this. Words cannot describe how this has hurt my heart. So many times I have wondered if I couldn't have done something for her. Maybe she had some underlying health condition. We'll never know but I am firmly convinced the emotional upheaval of it all was just too much this little lady.
Rosie, I will never forget you. You deserved better. At least you found your forever home at The Bridge.
Thanks for sharing that very sad story -
I think the stress of the divorce - and the events leading up to it - were too much for her -
We might think dogs/cats know, but they do -
She's running free at The Bridge now -
Khyra's Mom
My heart is crying.
So sad, so very sad.
Rosie just could not deal with it.
There are no words that I can say that make sense.
My heart is crying. Is that a Rosie I knew?
I've been thinking about you and her all day Sarah. I'm so sorry. Love, Stacy, Brutus and Miley.
That is HORRIBLE!!!! Can't help but think her original family didn't share some information with you! When will people learn that having a pet is for their whole life!!!
Ugh...Sarah (((((HUG)))))). I can't stop thinking about this poor baby either. I'm glad that she was able to experience great kindness in her final hours (and got to ride in the BIG RIG!)
In the meantime...Salinger has HAD it with me because I keep trying to cuddle him!
Thanks for sharing this story. I think it makes us all hug our puggies a little closer!
Mom is all leaky :( So sad about this sweet little pug girl.
Big ((((Hugs))))
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Such a sad story... Makes you think she died of a broken heart. At least she was with people who were kind to her at the end.
Jami here: I'm in tears. Pugs are not "things" that you can just get rid of when they don't "fit" in your life anymore. She had to have had a broken heart and a mind filled with confusion. My heart goes out to you, Sarah, for having to experience this. Please know that I'm thinking of you and sending you a big virtual hug!
Miss Sarah,
I cried when I read it on Facebook, and I am crying again. Just hearbreaking. I can't imagine how you must be feeling, having spent some time with her.
God forbid anything ever happened to my marriage, you better believe I'd fight to the death to keep my puggie! I am sorry Rosie wasn't shown the loyalty that she no doubt deserved.
Run free, sweet girl.
Such sad news, but we are so glad that her last hours were spent in comfort with people who showed her love and kindness. Please try to remember that because of you, Rosie didn't die alone.
I do not have face book. I just have a blog for my pugs~
I read this story and got really upset.
I have done volunteer work for NIPRA(Northern Illinois Pug Rescue) and have done Pug Transports. I have worked with families that had to relinquish their family members because of a birth of a baby, or in this case a divorce. In MY opinion, when someone makes a commitment to take care of a living being, whether it be a child or an animal, they did not ask to be taken care of. This divorsed couple should have eased the stress it was going to cause on this little dog they had in their lives for such a great length of time.
This little Pug, Rosie, was no doubt stressed out and had no idea what was going on.
This is truly a sad, sad story.
Honestly, about half way reading it, I was hoping she would stay with you guys...I know I'm sorry for saying that...You guys of course are not to blame...It's the fact that people (divorse couple for example) do not see their pets as FAMILY members!!!!!!!!
~ Katrina
What a sad and moving story...Poor Rosie. She's in a better place now where she'll never be lonely again.
Hi Sarah! Mom read your FB post yesterday and I couldn't handle it. Then I read the longer version here and I'm shaking my head and wondering why. I can't believe that people would treat a family member like those people did. I know you did all you could for Rosie and I thank you for that. Thank you too for giving of yourself to help all the puggies in need. The world is a better place because of you.
Stubby xoxo
Oh how sad! When I surrendered Rainy after just two weeks and to a new forever home with two puggie brothers, I cried all the way home because I was worried about her, about how she would take being shifted around yet again. I can't imagine what poor Rosie must have felt. You did everything you could for her, and perhaps there was some underlying medical issue, but it seems more like a broken heart. You've been trying to help puggies and I second what Stubby said, that the world is a better place because of you. Rosie is now home.
We hope your heart heals over this sadness.
You did everything you could.
I just wanted to say that I truly believe you guys did everything you could. I felt horrible that I may have alluded otherwise. I just get so sad when I hear things like this. I wanted to thank you guys too for all your help you do for your rescue.
oh sarah!
i am sooo sorry! i am sending you big hugs.
i wish we knew the reasons immediately of why things happen, but you are so right, she is feeling good now. i know in my heart that everything unfolds as it should and we may understand better with time.
Sarah, I've been thinking about you and Rosie all week. Bruce and I have always said we'd live in a cardboard box before we'd part with our babies.
I'm so sorry you lost Rosie. Sending big hugs to you my dear friend.
Shannon and the Gang
I truly feel that God took little Rosie home BUT again, how do people abandon their animals like this? Divorce or not it's incredible that neither party cared enough about this little dog to keep her. My feeling is that there was an underlying medical issue that was probably aggravated by the stress of being abandoned.
To me it's like deciding that you just can't keep one of your kids.
You are a kind soul and did all you could. Going home in her sleep in a place where she was wanted is not a bad thing.
Sorry for your loss.
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