Well, oncest again, I'm past due on a blog post. I finally got all these foster kids outta my house, so now I can catch up a little.
I gotta tell ya.....I ain't been feelin' too good lately an' git tired real easy. My mom says it's prolly a lifetime o' sluggin' PBR (pppphhhhht!). I'm thinkin' I picked up a case o' that Agent Orange in 'Nam. Hail, who knows.
Speakin' o' drinkin'.....I gotta admit I had a few too many the other day an' FELL in the POOOOL!

No worries, y'all! I swum my way tuh the top!
Aint Laura an' Sal an' Toby stopped by one day fer a visit. Aint Laura bought us cheeseboogers! Here I am restin' my full gut.

It's been a real nice spring here in Indiana so me an' mom been spending some time out in the yard (when I ain't nappin', that is.) Here's a pitcher dad snapped of us.

Now I know whut y'all are prolly thinkin'. Y'all are prolly thinkin' "Hail! Whut's a big strong handsome pug man like HANK doin' all snuggled up in his MOM's arms???"
Well, whut can I say? I guess I'll always be "Mommy's Little Guy".
Yep. Mmhmm.
Sweet Hanky
I am sad to hear that you have not been feelin sooo good lately.
I hope that you get your energy back soon. And I could not believe you fell in the pool! Oh gosh Hanky! Thank goodness you swum to the top.
You know what Hanky, I think its special that you and your mom like to snuggles in each others arms. Love feels good- doesn't it?
Hola Hanky Guapo!
Hope you feel better soon!! We akk have fallen to the pool too, Spongy sadly goes down like a brick, that why they put a fence so we don't get in. Sendign many Hugs and Bechos and Good juju fealing better many energy for you Guapo!!
Las Chicas & Hi five from Patrick
You relax Hank and take in all those momma hugs
Benny & Lily
Poor Hanky, snuggle up with your moms and feel better soon
urban hounds
Momma hugs are the best!
We hope you start feeling better soon!
Pugs & Kisses,
Brutus & Ellie
Aw Hank, you old softy! We all knew beneath that tough ole boy exterior was a little Mommas boy. At least you've got the tough guy part down. Sluggo's nothing but a little femme twink most of the time!
I sure hope you get your energy back, rest up for the Sunflower Fire Hydrant party, you'll need your energy!
We think snugglin' is the best thing ever, and you look like an expert Hank!
Meredith & Scarlet
Hank, PBRs are part of the joy of living, don't pay no never mind to any critics! Sorry you're not feeling the best, you have my prayers good buddy! As for the snuggles- what the hell did you battle those VC for if not your loved ones. So now you can enjoy that love!
Your pal,
Hanklin, falling in the pool? Srsly? Maybe you ought to cut back - just a wee bit now, not entirely (horrors!) on that PBR. I'm sorry you're not feeling up to par, but getting some lovin' from your mom will sure help!
Hank I know how ya feel. Getting old is for the birds...not us pugs. You look pretty funny all we from the pool though :) Hope those old bones of yours feel better.
Hank, you snuggle with your mom as much as you can. It's good for her and good for you. Real men snuggle.
We hope you start to feel better soon, but Tuni's right. Getting old is for the birds!
I just heard that the Angels came and took you away.
I know your kissing all those angels and making them smile right now.
I love you
Hank, I am sorry you had to leave so soon, but I know you will be running and swimming and having a bucket of PBR's on ice waiting for you in heaven. Hugs and kisses follow you sweet friend, we will miss you.
Hank. We will miss you, dear pug. Keep smiling down on your people form up there, and remind them that you are happy with your wings, and you'll be waiting for them.
Lots of Love,
Lola Pug and her people
I just heard da news dat Hank has gone to da bridge and I am so very sorry. Please knows dat ya'll will be in our thoughts during dis time..
RIP dear Hank.
so sorry for your loss rest in peace sweet little puggy boy
We just heard this terrible news. We are so sorry Hank has started his journey to the Bridge. Another new star in Heaven tonight. Hank will always be remembered and in the hearts of all who loved him.
Hank now you can play with Payton anytime you want and neither one of you will be in pain and you can have all the Pabst's you want. But we sure are going to miss your war stories. My Mom made some pictures for you and left them on both our blogs. We love you and miss you!
I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your sweet, beautiful boy Hank. I just read of his loss on Tweedle's blog. I am sorry I did not know Hank, he looks like such a charmer! My heartfelt condolences for your loss, and sending you prayers and thoughts of comfort during this difficult time.
K and Suka
My sweet pal Tweedles told me about Hank crossing the bridge. I am so sorry for your loss. Hank is running free now.
Loveys Sasha
Just were at Noodles blog and heard of Hank's passing. The Rainbow Bridge has plenty of our friends there to greet him, so it should be a grand reunion for him. We send our sympathy to your family. He looked like a swell old fellow.
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
Dear Hanks pawrents,
Wesa didn't follow you peeps and did not know of Hank until all of our furiends mentioned he passed on their blogs. Wesa loved reading the comments he left on others blogs and his comments will be missed. Wesa wish wesa coulda known him better.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Hank buddy, you made us laugh till the end. Lots of love and wags to your family!
Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley
Hank, we can see that you had a great dip in the pool. We hope you enjoyed a nice little swim. Thanks for the share. Have a fantastic rest of your week.
World of Animals
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