Wow, it's been a whirlwind three weeks! I've been boarded at a vet's office, de-fleaed, de-wormed, bathed, had my palate shortened, my teeth cleaned, and my uterus, tonsils and four teeth removed! WHEW!!!
But I'm happy to say I feel REALLY good and have enjoyed my stay with Hank and his folks. Miss Sarah and Mr. Scott sure do have a LOT of rules (phooey!) but I must admit I kinda like it. Hank's such a nice, laid-back guy that I don't always know what to do, but Miss Sarah has helped me out. (Sheesh....she's kinda bossy!)
Anyway, tomorrow will be a very exciting day because I am meeting a couple who just might become my furever family! They sure do seem nice in their emails and are anxious to add a new pug to their home. I guess their former puggy died of old age and their Lab really misses his brother. I don't think I'll mind sharing a home with a Lab. That is, as long as IIIIII am the lap dog!
Hank, do you have any words of wisdom for me before I go?

Uh.....(crunch, munch).....yeah, sure, honey. (Snort, smack) Mind yer manners, (slurp), keep poopin' outside (nom, nom, nom) an' remember tuh (lick, lick, lick....BURP) keep yer TEETH off their hands!
BRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!! Oh, 'scuse me.

Wish me luck!
And make sure the PBR is khold!
Paws khrossed!
PeeEssWoo: Maybe they'll take HIM and leave woo with the nice humans...just sayin'
PeePeeEssWoo: WTF wordie thing is this - some khat must have invented this khrap - please khonsider taking off WV...
we will keep all our paws crossed for you
Benny & Lily
Hi Pebbles.
You sure got in tip top shape- didn't you?
Lots of attention.
I am sure Hanky taught you lots of things.. and I am crossing my paws right now that the peoples fall in love with you, and you have hav forevers home tomorrow!
You are such a cutie pie. I know Miss Sarah, Mr Scott and Hanky- will miss you
Good luck on the interview! and great words of wisdom from Hank, make sure you follow them!
You're such a cutie pie, I'm sure you'll find a new forever home soon.
Drools and licks,
Minnie and Mack
Good luck with your meeting today, Pebbles! The right family is out there, sometimes it takes a while to find them.
Good luck sweetie pie you will be the est little lap pug around we are sure of it.
The Girls
Pebbles, I wish you all the best, but I'm sure there isn't a family on the planet that wouldn't want you to be a part of it!
Hank, when I come to Indy next time please promise to show me all the great eatables in that pantry. Make we can sneak over there together and go crazy!?!
Dear Pebbley, this here is AnnieBee. I hope you find the perfect family to love and spoil you like a little princess!
Aw, good luck Pebbles. It's been nice getting to know you. Hope you have a wonderful new life with a lab bro!
hi pebbles!
you are one lucky and magical girl!
we are so happy and excited for you!
Hank has a pop-up! Hank has a pop-up! MAN I have missed writing on your blog. Glad you got rid o' that Pebbles chick fast - just like Cutie - the longer they stay, the more likely you'll end up with your very own VINNY. Now, Mom told me there is more news in your house and I'm just waiting to read allllll about Rocky and how you like having a young whippersnapper BOY in the house! It's NO FUN!!!! Oh wait. I guess I am only a year older than Vinny. Protect your binkies at all costs, brother!! Vinny steals my Nylabones ALL THE TIME and I've had it up to HERE (as high as I can reach - I am thinking 2 feet tops).
Later buddy!
I miss you Hank. I really do.
Pebbles we hope the Hank gave you some good pointers when visiting what could be your new forever home. Thanks for the share. Have a great day and good luck to you.
World of Animals
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