Now I got lots tuh blog about (the weddin', pug weekend, an' awards) but fer now I gotta put out a A.P.B.!!!
There's this gal, Martha, who keeps leavin' real nice messages on my blog but when I click on 'er name it comes up sayin' somethin' 'bout "this here blogger is keepin' her profile private".
Now......I'm kinda hopin' it's THIS Martha wantin' tuh make me some snacks.

But whoever ya are.....Martha, honey.....make yerself known!
Yep. Mmhmm.
Martha lady better just gether hiney over here first to make us snacks, The lady could cook.
Benny & Lily
Do ya just suppose its that Martha?
Wouldn't that be awsome if some home made stuff just arrived at your door!
Or a secret admirer!
Oh yes, of course the domestic diva Martha would need to keep a low profile. Can you say perfectly frosted pupcakes?
I'm sooo sure it is that Martha. that would rock. Maybe she would have you on the show, she's had pugs on there before!
Minnie Moo and Lincoln too
Dude...if it DOES turn out to be "THE" better have your mom get on the horn with MY mom so she can get herself over there A-SAP!
I wonder if it might be Martha the Basset Hound (she lives in Scotland)??? She's one of our bloggie friends.
Good luck solving the mystery, dude! Thanks again for being my best man!!! You did a helluva job!
We've seen pictures of That Martha on the cover of some magazines. After Mommy reads those magazines, she gets crazy ideas and wants to make things. We don't get it.
We wonder if your new Martha is one of our bloggie friends, Martha. She has a puggie, too!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
hi hank and molly!
we hear your mom tied the knot for s-dog and pugsley!
how coooool is that?
your mom is amazin' i tell ya!
m & e
I hope it's "that" Martha! Cakes and cookies would go great with a nice cold PBR, don't ya think?
Here I am, and I am the Martha that's Pearl and Daisy's friend. I have a puggie named Bennie. I'm not a blogger, I'm just a "reader of pug blogs". I'm not sure how to "make a profile", so I probably just don't have one!
Sorry to say, I'm not "the" Martha, but I can make cookies!
Yeah Martha...own up...come clean...wink wink!
Hi Ho from your newest follower Sophie the Labradoodle!
Hey Hank,
Remember me, Murphy Dogg? Well I'm finally back and so glad to catch up with all my friends!
Murphy Dogg
Hi Hank!
Martha says she can still bake cookies,
so it still sounds like a sweet deal hehe.
Mmm cookies.
Have a great weekend!
-Dana & Daisy
Hey Hank, this here is Howie, dit you ever hear back from Martha, that gal who cooks a lot? Could you give me a call iffn you do? I am real good at standing attention at the stove in case stuff falls on the floor, and I heard that lady likes to throw things sometimes.
your good pal,
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