Hey, y'all:
Yep, it's my birfday. I am elevuhn years old tuhday! Now by my calc-uh-lations, that makes me seventy-seven in human years, and I shoulda been gittin' a check from the government fer the past twelve years! Uh, wait a minute......I wasn't even borned twelve years ago. Aw, hail, fergit THAT idea.
Anyhoo, it's hotter than hail here in Indy tuhday so I'm just gonna take it easy.
Dad, can't just us GUYS hang out tuhday?
No such luck. Me an' O'Mally went fer our baths tuhday.
BUTT.......you know whut birthdays mean. PBR an' CAKE!!!
Nom, nom, nom, slurp, smack............BURP. Dang, that's some gooood cake!
Yep. Mmmhmm.
Happy Burpday Hank!
I'm glad the PBR was khold and the khake fresh!
happy happy birfday hank!
what a wonderful party you had!
let's all eat cake!
we love u!
m & e
Happy Birffday Hanklin!!!
I figgered in this heat, you and JoeJack would be holed up playing cards and throwin back some PBRs in the AC! Is that tomorrow night?
Even though it's YOUR birffday...be nice to your fahkrimpteh sister!!!! (LOL!!!)
S-Dog (and Auntie Laura)
Happy Birthday, Hank! In your honors I's gonna drink one of those PBR things you's always talking about. LuLu's not old enough yet... BOL!!!
Dear Hank,
I hope you have a very good bark-day. Did you know I'll be 11 in just a few months? If yer lookin for a old fashioned gal to take on a stroll, I'd love ta accompany ya.
Lefty (aka the Foo)
Happy Birfday Hanky
I hope the cake was good. Please send me a piece.
I knew your birfday was coming soon , cause I wrote it on my tablet.
Happy Birfday to YOU
Happy Birthday Hank!!! You don't look a day past 4 =)
Lola Bugs
Happy Birfday Hanklin Man!!! oOh!! Yous got asked out by a mighty fine womans on's yous birfdays by Lefty!!
Hee Hee (it's Josie...Shhh... Auntie L. sent Mommy and e-mail about a book!! Hee Hee SNORTS
Anakins gonna be peeing on my sock monkey beds when he sees it!! Oh dats good stuffs!! I's keep it secret secret)!!
Yous have Great Day and Pffftts....burps...sorry...we's be at parwtys 2nites.. Oh Izzy... you had cabbages...
I's gotta go...
Have a great b-days!!
Josie, Izzy, and Anakin Man
Happy Birthday Hank!! Cake and PBR, who could ask for more :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birfday, Hank!!! Oh my what a great party!! Food, happy puggies, PBR, what more could you want!
Happy 77th birfdays Hank!! Yous keepung up the good looks for yours age. Enjoy the cake PBR and birfday celebrations!
Happee Birthday big guy
Benny & Lily
Happy Birthday Hanklin! You ARE an old fart now at 11, but let's consider the privileges: You can eat as early as you want and call it the early bird special, you can get yourself a nice crown victoria for lots of room to move around it, you can pee whenever and wherever you want and say "sorry mom my bladder is just old", and finally you can demand a senior discount on anything!
We toast your birthday today. Pop the top and enjoy.
Kitty and Coco
Happy Barkday Hank!! I became legal last month and I didn't get any PBR, I'm gonna have to have a STERN TALK with my Mom.
Happy Birthday Hank! If I were a couple years older I'd drink a PBR with ya! Cheers! Love, Arlo.
Happy Happy Birfday Hank!!!!!!!!!
Hope you had a Great Day
Spongy & Licky
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!!!
Oh hail Hank, I mised you birfday. Now, can you pass me a beer??
Happy belated Birfday!!!
Happy Belated Birthday Hank!
We hope it was a great one!
-Dana & Daisy
Happy burp-day Hank! This here is your good pal Howie. It looked to me like yew got some finger with that bite of cake. I hope your maw had some PBR anesthetic to help with that...
happy birthday pal!
H. PeeMan
Happy Barkday ole Buddy! Now that I'm old enough to drink, I can partake in the birthday PBR with ya. Have a good one!
Happy Birthday Hank! You are my hero! My momma told your momma on the book face, but I wanted to tell you myself! Love, Arlo.
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