Friday, March 27, 2009

Well, howdy neighbor.

Welcome to my blog. If you've listened to my mom talk for any more than five minutes in the past two years, you've learned a little about me. But let me bring ya up to speed a bit, uh, to make up for all those times when your eyes glazed over.

I was adopted from the Kentuckiana Pug Rescue on March 3, 2007. My original name was Mac, but my mom has this thing for Hank Hill of Fox's King of the Hill. On her part, it was love at first sight, I tell ya what. Me, I'm pretty easy so I was just happy to sit on her lap in the car. Dang, it was cold that day!

Anyway, she and my dad Scott have been real good to me. Becca, a good ol' Beagle/Springer Spaniel, was nice enough to take to me and show me around the yard. Not that I gave her much choice. I tell ya what, that ol' girl couldn't even take a dump without me bein' right there! Now that she's almost blind, I feel kinda bad for all the times I opened my yap and ruined her squirrel huntin'. But I'm makin' up for it these days by helpin' her walk the fence row.

Then there's Molly. She's our foster pug. That ol' bird is somethin' else.....always stealin' mom's lap, and she snores like a buzz saw! But she's okay. I guess.

Well, time to hit the sack. Next time I'll tell ya more about this "thing" my mom has for Hank Hill. Uh...huh, huh....yeah (red-faced, rubbing back of neck, shuffling paws).....the girl ain't right!

Yep. Mmhmm.


Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Hank. The world needs more voices of reason -- the kind that only we canines can provide.

Peace and belly rubs be upon you,

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

Well, Hank....I have to agree with you that the girl ain't right. :-P

Salinger The Pug said...

OMG! We are so excited that you're an official Indy Blogger now!!!

It's because your mama "ain't right" that we like her so much!!!!



Pug(s) and Bugg said...

YESSSS! Hankaroonie we are so glad that you are blogging! Did our Mommy's post convince you?? We are putting you on Mommy's RSS feed. Many happy posts ahead. I ROVE ROO!

Pugsley and Lola said...

Hi Hank-

Welcome to the dog blog world:) It is always fun to have new blog friends!! Looking forward to seeing you at the Meetup Saturday. It will be lots of fun:)


Sandra y Coco Pug said...

hi Hank, nice to meet you! i am looking forward to know more about you. i hope we can be friends!

Pug Posse said...

Yay! Hank has a blog! We're so glad you decided to join us! We can't wait to read more!
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse

P.S. Looking forward to seeing you next Saturday at Meetup!!!

Archie and Melissa said...

hi hank!

we are friends with salinger and wanted to visit say and hello!

we are so happy to meet you!

melissa and emmitt

Rosie said...

Hi Hank - Welcome to the Pug Cyberworld. It is very nice to meet you. A few of the Indy pugs sent me over to say hello and welcome.
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie

Apollo said...

Yay! Hank's the newest member of the Indy Pug Bloggers! You caved into the peer pressure, just like me. Haha. Can't wait to track your adventures too.

Anonymous said...

HI Hank, welcome to bloggie world!! WE are excited to have another pug friend and possibly even MORE excited to have a fellow KING OF THE HILL fan friend!!! It has been my favorite show for years now and I find it ridiculously hard to find other people of the same mind as myself.
So from Ladypug Mugs to you, we send you a friend alley-way "Yup."

Kelly said...

Hi Hank!!! I'm Pearl! I live in Okie-homa, but I just LOVE all my Indy pug friends. I can't wait to get to know you and your family!

Hank said...

Ayatollah Mugsy! Sir, it is an honor to have you visit my blog! I bet this is how Hank Hill felt when he met Troy Aikman! ("Sweet Betty, you're Troy Aikman!!!")

Well, THAT wasn't very courteous, CC. Oh, well. What do I expect from a Chee hoo-uh hoo-uh.

Uh...huh huh...yeah, Sal. Uh, I "appreciate" you, too, buddy. But let's not go pickin' out curtains together.

P and B, yeah, your mom's post kinda lit a fire under me.

Pugsley, Coco, Pug Posse, M and E, Rosie and Pearl: thanks for the kindly welcome!

Apollo: now I'm not one to give in to peer pressure, but uh...yeah....I did.

Rachel, right back atcha! My mom will be pleased as punch to know a KOTH fan stopped by!

Harry Pugalicious said...

Welcome to the puggie blog world! I's friends with S-Dog (Salinger). We all has lots of fun on our bloggies!

Punchbugpug said...

Welcome to blogworld Hank!