Now nobody knows exactly where in the Far East we hatched, but most agree it was China. All I know fer sure is.......

I like chicken fried rice, I tell ya what!
Yep. Mmhmm.
A simple life...a simple pug.
Okay, Robin, I know it's "ladies first" but the way to a man's heart is through his stomach! Haven't they taught you ANYTHING at that fancy college???
I tried to make this a shot of just me and Robin but Molly managed to squeeze in. Look at her peekin' out from underneath my what not!
On Sunday, mom had some kinda girly gig for KPR ......a womens expo at the state fairgrounds. Get this....she asked ME if I wanted to go. I said "well, why don't ya just put me in a skirt and call me Nancy?!". Mom took that as a "no", so she packed up Molly and they made a day of it. Mom says Molly was a real hit with the ladies.
Here's Molly hobnobbin' with KPR's president, Amy and her dog, Chip. Watch it there, Chip Dip.....that's my sister you're kissin'!
Anyhoo, Molly's worked and her pal Annie lent her some crates so she was all set. Mom says it was a nice drive and she found the place with no problem. Now before ya'll start screamin' "where are the seven pugs???", mom's camera battery died. But she did get a few pics before it croaked.
This here is the St. Meinrad Monastery. St. Meinrad is a little bitty town, I tell ya what. Now I don't know what a monastery is, but mom says it's a place where ya have to act respectful and keep your trap shut. No way I'd last there, I tell ya what.
When she got to the pug lady's house she was greated by George. His mom kept him 'cause "he's a good watch dog".
Pretty nice piece 'o land. Now I'm not one for swimmin' but wouldn't mind hangin' out by this front-yard pond.
This ol' gal, Geneva, gave KPR a jingle 'cause she's been sick with cancer and can't care for all those dogs. She's what mom calls a "backyard breeder". But at least her dogs had good shelter, and it doesn't look like they've missed any meals! Yep, mom says they'll make good pals once they learn "household manners"....whatever that is.
Yep. Mmmhmm.