Wow, it's been a whirlwind three weeks! I've been boarded at a vet's office, de-fleaed, de-wormed, bathed, had my palate shortened, my teeth cleaned, and my uterus, tonsils and four teeth removed! WHEW!!!
But I'm happy to say I feel REALLY good and have enjoyed my stay with Hank and his folks. Miss Sarah and Mr. Scott sure do have a LOT of rules (phooey!) but I must admit I kinda like it. Hank's such a nice, laid-back guy that I don't always know what to do, but Miss Sarah has helped me out. (Sheesh....she's kinda bossy!)
Anyway, tomorrow will be a very exciting day because I am meeting a couple who just might become my furever family! They sure do seem nice in their emails and are anxious to add a new pug to their home. I guess their former puggy died of old age and their Lab really misses his brother. I don't think I'll mind sharing a home with a Lab. That is, as long as IIIIII am the lap dog!
Hank, do you have any words of wisdom for me before I go?

Uh.....(crunch, munch).....yeah, sure, honey. (Snort, smack) Mind yer manners, (slurp), keep poopin' outside (nom, nom, nom) an' remember tuh (lick, lick, lick....BURP) keep yer TEETH off their hands!
BRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!! Oh, 'scuse me.

Wish me luck!