Well, I'm happy tuh report that the kid found herself a real nice ferever home - in just nine days!
This lady an' her daughter came all the way up from Bloomington (a good hour drive) tuh meet the kid, and let me tell you they hit it off.

Matter o' fact, the lady sent my mom this pitcher the very next day.

(We like this a lot 'cause she's got the stuffie we bought 'er.)
So all in all, it was real good fer Cutie, me AN' MOM 'cause she livened up the joint fer a bit an' put a spring in our steps. An' we're real happy fer her new mom. Her dog died last year an' she's been takin' her time findin' the right one. We think she DID I tell ya what.
Now I gotta say.....it was kinda sad lettin' the kid go, but she likes tuh run an' play an' carry on an' I just don't do that no more.

Plus, her new mom has some grandkids who just LOVE dogs, so they'll keep her ennertained fer sure.
Okay, kid.....I done taught ya ever'thing I know. Live long an' prosper, honey!

Yep. Mmhmm.