Hi, everyone! Hank is taking a blog break so that I can update you on a very important subject......ME!
First and foremost, I had emergency bladder surgery two weeks ago today! Ouchie! Mommy took me to the emergency vet clinic thinking I just had another pesky bladder infection. Was she surprised when an x-ray showed my little bladder swollen up like a balloon! The nice doctor did surgery to relieve my bladder of all that pee pee. Now I have to take "old lady pills" (as mommy calls them) to make my bladder contract like it should. I'm feeling pretty frisky now but check me out ten days ago!
I sure hope my fur grows back! (I'm very vain, you know.)
On to a happier note.....my twelfth birthday was a week ago Sunday! I still wasn't quite up to par and not much in the mood for frivolity so no party hats this time. But cake? HO, YEAH!!!
Hank had to get his piece, of course......
Here's Becca nearly taking off mommy's hand!

One more piece for me......too bad, Hanky!

Before I forget, BIG thanks and kisses to Aunt Annie for coming over to feed and check on me while mommy and my cousins went to something called a "beetle" festival in Chicago.
Why in the world would beetles be worthy of their own festival? Although I hear they're a delicacy in India!
Oh, and thanks to all of you who've called, e-mailed or left messages on mommy's Facebook wishing me well.
Pugs and Kisses!