Friday, June 26, 2009

Workin' fer the Weekend

Howdy, neighbor:

As y'all probably know, today was the tenth annual "Take Your Dog to Work Day". Now I'm not a big fan o' working, but mom made a big ol' deal outta it so I said what the heck.

Mom works at a dental office up the road a piece. I don't know how to spell her job title, but here's how ya say high-gin-uhst.

This here is Dr. George Carrico, mom's boss. Let me tell ya one o' the ol' boy's favorite jokes.......when is the best time for a dental appointment? 2:30. Get it? Tooth hurty???? HA!

Come on, mom, get that door open. We're burnin' daylight!

Now before y'all start questionin' my credentials, I give you my license - issued by the good ol' Indiana State Board o' Dental Examiners.

Time to get suited up fer my first patient. This lab coat's a little big, but I guess it'll do.

Can't ferget my high-powered spectacles.....

These here teeth are like stars.......they come out at night.

Marcia, honey (that's doctor's assistant).....gimme them choppers. I'll test 'em out to see if they're a good fit!

*****Note from Mom: this denture does NOT belong to a patient! It is merely used for educational (or blogging) purposes!*****

Since my computer skills are pretty good, Miss Kelly asked fer my help at the front desk.

They say an aquarium is relaxin' fer patients, but I say every dental office needs a PUG!

Before I knew it the day was over and they had me takin' out the trash (dental high-gin-uhsts ARE just glorified cleanin' ladies, ya know).

PAYDAY!'s check is never this big. Guess that makes me the MVP on THIS team!

Here's me and my favorite gals at the bank.....Miss Amber, Miss June and Miss Jennifer.

Ahhhhhh! I love the smell o' crisp new bills I tell ya what.

Well, I got paid and it's the weekend, so you know what that means........

Yep. Mmhmm.


Salinger The Pug said...

HANK! Wow...I had no idea that you worked on teeth!

Good job today! I'll be mom is proud of you!

Mia said...

Oh Hank, you are so lucky you got to go to work with your mommy!! I wish I could have gone with my mommy!!! But no such luck. =( I had to hang out at home with Madie. Glad you had a good day withyour mom! Have a geat weekend!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh...that changes evfurrything...

Summii is a surgeon...Steve is a dokhtor...Ben is MIA...

Maybe I khould see myself with a dentist!

PeeEssWoo: I passed on going...I didn't want to give up my nap OR get dirty in the foundry dirt!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You crack me up!! You are so funny with those choppers and the dr coat and all. I think you should get a full time job in that office. You are so cute, you could calm everyone down!

Anonymous said...

oh, wow, Hank. the only work day better than this would be a day full of selling propane and propane accessories. I tell ya what.

Zeus said...

Hank, I adore a beer-drinking, hard-working pug such as yourself. This is my first time to your blog, and I hardly ever just add blogs to my roll on the first visit, but I need to in this instance. I feel I have much I could learn from you.

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

BOL BOL BOL! This was the best blog entry we have ever read, ever!

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

We love this post! Enjoy your hard earned wages Hank!

Kelly said...

hahaha Hank! Buddy, you did some great work there! I found it interesting that you got your license to be a high-gen-uhst in 1989. I guess I didn't know you were 20 years old! You earned that PBR!!!!!!

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Hank,
That's awesome that you got to go to work with your mom! I bet cleaned the heck outta some teeth too.
Murphy Dogg

Pug Posse said...

Hank, buddy, that was a great post! It looks like you enjoyed your day of work! We wish we could have gone to work with our Mommy, but her work wouldn't let her take us :-b
Way to earn that PBR!
Pug hugs and kisses!
The Pug Posse

Archie and Melissa said...

hank! you made me laugh out loud!
what a great day of work and a well earned paycheck!
m & e

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

Hank, Your mom is always telling me how lazy you are...I guess she owes you an apology!

The Devil Dog said...

Ha ha ha, that was a great story, Hank. I enjoyed it very much. I bet the kids didn't mind going to the dentist with you there.


Stacy Walker said...

Oh wow, what an adventure! I didn't take Brutus in so don't brag too much about your adventure!

Mia said...

Hank, buddy you've been tagged!! Go check out my latest blog and have some fun!

Ayatollah Mugsy said...

I hate going to the dentist, Hank. But if he had a regular pug hygienist working in the office to distract me and drown out the scraping and whirring sounds with his soothing heavy breathing, I think it'd be a much more pleasant experience. You should press for a regular gig -- it seems like you got paid pretty well.

The Devil Dog said...

Hank, we are from New Hampster (or if you must, New Hampshire). Not far away from where our country first decided enough was enough. New Hampster, where we take our politics very seriously and where it has rained for the last, like 30 something days!
