Hey, y'all:
Sorry I've been MIA this past week. Mom was sick as a dog I tell ya what. Some kinda bug got a hold o' her and knocked her on her you-know-what! Anyhoo, now that I've got my typist back I'll bring ya up to speed.
Mom and some o' her KPR friends headed up to Oak Creek Wisconsin to the 2009 Milwaukee Pugfest last weekend. I guess it was a real barn burner.....food, vendors, music, even a belly dancer! (Which mom failed to get a picture of....I woulda liked to see that!) Here's a few o' the highlights:

Yep.....KPR's own Annie W. got to wear the Pugfest mascot costume!

A blessing o' the Pugs (and other assorted breeds)

Speakin' o' other breeds, this gal and her Chinese Crested bear a strikin' resemblance to one another, don't ya think?

While perusin' the silent auction table, look what mom found......a great Pug pic donated by Emmitt's mom, Melissa, honey!

She also met some o' the nice people with Homeward Bound Pug Rescue. Now I'm pretty sure one o' y'all's mom volunteers for HBPR. Pearl, honey.....is it your mom?

This country quartet really livened up the place I tell ya what. You should o' seen mom tappin' her toes to Foggy Mountain Breakdown (by request)!

Here's Lois walkin' Pip in the parade of rescued Pugs. Now I gotta tell ya, Pip was born with dysplastic joints in his front legs. Poor little guy could hardly get around since he couldn't put weight on his front legs. Anyhoo, KPR fixed him with surgery at 7 weeks old, and look at him now!

Mom says there was a real good turnout.....she reckons close to 1,000 folks came through, and everyone was real nice. All I know fer sure is lots o'money was raised for Pugs and she brought me home a brand new bed, so I'd say the trip was worth it.

Yep. Mmmmhmmm.