Good day, friends!
Make yourselves comfortable! I'd offer you a cup of tea but can't find my way around the kitchen. Come to think of it, I can't even reach the cupboard.
Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Becca the Beagle/Springer Spaniel and long-time resident of Brandt Drive Home for the Visually Impaired. And a long time it has been indeed. I was here before daddy married mother!
Unfortunately, daddy can't find my puppy pictures but I assure you I was very cute, if I may say so myself. At twelve years old, I retired from my position as chief bird/squirrel chaser eight months ago. My eyesight is gone but am thankful my Beagle nose still works!
Hank has graciously allowed me to post this week. Ahem. Um.......truthfully, he is passed out on the couch after secretly chowing down on mother's garden tomatoes! Anyway, mother suggested I post something about getting along with others since that's what I do best.
With that, I give you these photos of Hank, Molly, the pugs mother transported last weekend, and myself. These are wonderful examples of how to "meet and greet" with good manners and kindness!

Now, Molly....settle down. You know daddy and mother still love us best.

Of course, kindness is it's own reward!

'Til next time!